Author: Erik Meira

How to Review an Article

Here is a template you can use for reviewing an article by yourself or with your friends. One of the most common questions I get is along the lines of, “How should I go...

I Don’t Exercise

Yeah, it’s true. I don’t really exercise. Not in any way that most people would define as exercise. This may surprise a lot of people because I am often told that I believe everyone...

Tru Dat!

What is “truth” or “knowledge”? Can we have “alternative facts”, my reality vs your reality, or are ideas a simple black and white true or false? As with many things in life, the answer...

The Ethics of Healthcare Advertising

Many physical therapists are frustrated right now. They feel that at one end, the medical establishment is referring less, criticizing the profession for lacking efficacy and having only “low-value” effectiveness. From the other side, we...

Hunting for Pain

I work in sports medicine so a lot of what I see is fairly specific: Bones are broken, ligaments are torn, joints get dislocated. But I also see my fair share of “non-specific pain” presentations...

Are You Smarter Than a Pigeon?

Imagine that you are a contestant on a game show. You are standing in front of three identical doors. Behind one of the doors is a new car. Behind the other two doors are...