See what people are saying about content from the Science PT…
“In 2020, Erik’s course Hip & Knee : Complex Understanding for Simple Solutions was a clinical game-changer for me, combining first-principles biomechanics with practical clinical progressions for knee rehabilitation. Frankly, it’s the highest ROI continuing education course I’ve ever taken.
Eric Oetter
Over the years since, Erik’s continued mentorship (both virtual and on-site) and the application of his rehab principles has revolutionized, yet simplified the way we provide athlete care.
I’ve recommended his coursework – particularly Foundations of Practice – to dozens of clinicians, new and old, and have no intention of stopping.”
Director of Sports Medicine
Memphis Grizzlies
“When other practitioners ask me what continuing education courses to take, I always suggest any course Erik is involved in. In a time when there is so much misinformation and content that doesn’t move the needle as a practitioner, his courses provided practical information that allows clinicians to better understand and implement the foundational principles of sports/ortho physical therapy.”
Derrick Nillissen
Performance Physical Therapist
Phoenix Suns
“Without knowing me at all, Erik let me tag along at his clinic for a couple days in 2019. At the time I was fresh out of school and heard about Erik from a couple of mentors. Hearing Erik’s thought process inspired me to start reading his blog, listening to his podcast, and taking his online coursework. His work has a big impact on my clinical reasoning and treatment approach. You won’t find a better brain in the world of sports physical therapy.”
Ari Ronick
Physical Therapist
Seattle Mariners
“Erik’s courses have significantly upgraded my critical thinking skills related to health and performance. His material has helped me simplify my thoughts while maximizing outcomes. I highly recommend his courses to anyone in the rehab/performance community.”
Cruz Romero
Performance Physical Therapist
Portland Trail Blazers
“I have been listening to Erik (Dr. Meira) since the beginning of the PT Inquest Podcast with JW Matheson years ago. His thoughtful yet critical approach to evaluating scientific literature directly contributed to a paradigm shift in the way I practice and how I consume research. Additionally his blogs are insightful, well written, understandable across many audiences, and dare I say entertaining. My experiences with Erik’s work continues to influence how I interact with patients, how i work with students on rotation, how I teach Orthopaedic and sports PT residents, and now in my faculty position working with the next generation of physical therapists. I am lucky to have found Erik as a “digital mentor” when I did. Cheers to more content. Thank you for doing what you do.”
Aaron Hellem
Assistant Professor of Physical Therapy
University of Minnesota
“The OG of MSK podcasting who I and many have so much to thank for. The first person I saw ‘thinking in public’ about everything from clinical cases and basic science to educational theory and policy reform. AWFUL sense of humour… but he had to leave something for me I guess.”
Jack Chew
Physio Matters Podcast
“Not to be dramatic, but Erik completely changed my clinical practice, in the best way possible. His courses and content (pssst all of his blogs are so dang good), challenged a lot of my current approach to PT at the time. He made me think and reflect a lot about my practice, which was very annoying and frustrating at the time, but ultimately, launched me into a totally new trajectory of clinical practice which has been way more fun, fulfilling, and empowering for my patients. We have the honor of mentoring thousands of students and new professionals across the country, and world, and I can say without a doubt that Erik is largely responsible for our clinical approach, and has helped us make an impact on the quality of rehab professionals entering the workforce. I would highly recommend any of his course work if you care about providing the best level of care that we can.”
Zak Gabor
Level Up Initiative
“It’s almost weird to say that someone I’ve never met in-person has had such a profound impact on not only me as a clinician, but the students I help educate. Erik truly does break down the extreme complexity of what we do to attempt to help other humans into wildly digestible bites that lead to super simple solutions that change everything for us as clinicians & the patients we serve. His foundations of practice course is always at the top of my list when people ask for recommendations for continuing education courses.”
Dustin Willis
Assistant Professor
West Coast University
“When any student or practicing clinician asks for me continuing education recommendations, Erik Meira’s courses (in-person and online) are at the top of my list!”
Marc Surdyka
E3 Rehab
“Your blog post ‘Simple Is Hard’ helped me deal with a lot of frustrations during my first few months as a clinician & “social media educator person.” I still revisit it from time to time & frequently recommend it to other young clinicians.”
Aaron Kubal
“Social Media Educator Person”
“Erik is one of those physical therapist in our industry that you need to learn from. He holds himself just as accountable as he holds our profession. I am a better physical therapist and more importantly, I’m a better thinker after taking his courses online. I would highly recommend consuming every podcast he has produced or has been a part of as well as his well-written blogs. The content is quality and partially comedy.”
Andy Chen
Physical Therapist/Performance Coach
Instagram/Moment PT
“Erik’s course completely changed the way I approach my physical therapy practice. I use knowledge and principles from that course every day in the clinic, and for me, the framework that Erik builds and teaches has made me a much more confident and adaptable clinician. I have encouraged all of my coworkers to look into thesciencept.com or sign up for the course, and I would take the course again in a heartbeat. Additionally, Erik is a very friendly and approachable person-I tend to ask a lot of questions, and Erik took the time to answer them all in a thoughtful and kind manner. I am very glad I found his course, thesciencept.com, and his podcast, as they have been the #1 most important and helpful influence on my career.”
Sarah P
Physical Therapist
“After being out of practice for a few years, your podcast was one of the main tools I used to get caught up with current research and good clinical pearls. Thank you for the work you’ve done to improve our field!”
Harmony C
Physical Therapist
“I consider few things to have had as large an impact on my clinical practice as being introduced to the PT Inquest podcast by a fellow student during one of my last rotations of PT school. Some of the qualities most challenged and developed by exposure to Erik’s content and ideas over the years have been my critical thinking skills when appraising research literature, compassion, empathy, and shared decision making during patient/client interactions, and needs analyses in the context of exercise selection for rehab. His Hip & Knee course was one of the most informative and engaging continuing education courses that I’ve attended and I recommend it highly for any rehab professional interested in further developing the kinds of skills and qualities I mentioned above. Erik is a great educator and professional role model. 10/10 would recommend.”
Cody M
Physical Therapist
“I’ve learnt more about the scientific process and the critical evaluation of literature; and applying it; from your podcasts than 2 undergraduate degrees combined. You’ve given me the confidence to be more comfortable with not having all the answers, because we can’t explain everything in the body of evidence yet, and that’s ok.”
David C
Your podcast & blog helped keep me in the profession when I couldn’t identify with the “leaders” I’d been exposed to so far. You showed me that being a good Ortho PT didn’t have to mean being a manual therapist & made me grow by feeding my inquiring mind. Thank you for that!
Axel S
“Erik’s hip and knee course is my top recommended continuing education course for both new grads and experienced clinicians. Erik has made me reflect on my own clinical practice more than any other educator and I am a much more organized and thoughtful clinician as a result.”
Jason T
Physical Therapist
“Dr. Erik Meira is an outstanding clinician and educator. He has been a mentor to me from afar through his offerings (website, podcast, courses, etc.) over the past several years. As a result, I’ve grow tremendously as a clinician and critical thinker. From this I’ve been able to provide more as a mentor to students/residents and better care for the athletes I work with. I highly doubt I would be where I am at today in my career if it wasn’t for the things he’s provided for the field of physical therapy.”
Neil S
Physical Therapist/Performance Coach
“I’ve consumed nearly everything Erik has to offer for simple reasons. His goal is to help you be and feel smarter and not to prove how smart he is. He is thoughtful and deliberate. His materials don’t teach one thing, but to help you create frameworks around the knowledge you have. Finally, he creates and encourages better critical thinking. It’s money and time well spent. He’s the real deal.”
Kevin M
Physical Therapist
“Erik has been very influential to me and my career. From a combination of listening to his podcast, reading his blogs, and taking his course, I’ve become much more knowledgeable and confident as a physical therapist. What I’ve learned from him has been a big help in advancing my own career and projects. Erik has a wealth of knowledge but is grounded enough as an educator to make everything he puts out extremely valuable. He is among the top of our field, and it motivates me that he finds success while being himself. I constantly suggest my colleagues learn from Erik, and will continue to recommend him.”
Mario B
Physical therapist
“As a more experienced PT, I was looking for new direction and growth. Since listening to his podcasts and taking his courses, Erik has helped me challenge my conventional wisdom regarding treatment, the appraisal and interpretation of research and my general critical thinking process. I believe his courses reflect how we should be looking to utilize and grow our skill set as a profession for the future. I am grateful to Erik for helping me grow into a better clinician. I highly recommend his work to both younger clinicians looking to build a foundation for the future and the more experienced clinician like me, looking for a challenge or reboot.”
Brent T
Physical Therapist
“I’ve been a physical therapist for 7 years. I’ve been consuming Erik’s content since my first year as a physical therapist. He has really shaped my thought process, clinical reasoning, and my practice. Listening to PT Inquest has taught me how to be a critical consumer of the research. He has taught me how to be a “thinker” instead of just blindly following trends and certifications. He really cares about the profession and does as much as he can to elevate the practice of us younger clinicians. He has mentored me at conferences and I’ve been lucky enough to shadow at his clinic. The content he puts out has done far more to advance my knowledge and skills than any other course could have. I wouldn’t be where I am today without Erik.”
Alex C
Physical Therapist
“Your podcast has positively influenced the ability I practice since I began to listen over the past few years. It had helped me improve my ability to create therapeutic alliance and provide more valuable treatment for my patients.
Darren R
I have also been able to educate the clinicians I work with in addition to others about how to use a HHD and assess quad strength appropriately.
Thank you!”
Physical Therapist
“If you want to better understand the science, appreciate the uncertainty, understand how science interacts with clinical practice, Erik’s Foundation of Practice is the way to go. And all that explained in a great, simple way. This is without mentioning all the clinical pearls of PT Inquest and Erik’s blog – all of it presented with a great touch of humor.”
Loïc B
“What I really like about your course/podcast/blog is how you pull from other fields. It just gives us a better idea of how things work from lasers, dynamical systems, physics/biomechanics, etc. It’s good to pull from the knowledge of other fields and I like how you apply that.”
Nate W
Physical Therapist
“Erik Meira has had a massive impact on my career, like so many other PTs, via his podcasts, blogs, courses, and mentoring. He has helped form my practice not just from a knowledge standpoint, but also in a philosophical and epistemological standpoint.”
Owen R
Physical Therapist
“As a PT, especially a new grad, it’s easy to get distracted by all the shiny toys. Erik’s courses (and other materials) cut through that and focus on being great at the basics, which have improved my critical thinking and patient outcomes more than any shiny toy ever did.”
David B
Physical Therapist
“Your common sense approach to the complexity of msk healthcare helped me get out of some deep dark rabbit holes before I was too far gone. I have valued hearing your experiences and opinions on ACL rehab and management of patellofemoral pain, both of which I now thoroughly enjoy.”
Nick I
“Erik has paved the way for many of us younger clinicians to openly express doubt, challenge the status quo, and carry out the will of Planck. His educational focus on HOW to improve thinking/clinical reasoning has had a monumental impact on the direction of my career vs. the sea of continuing education trying to sell me on WHAT to think.”
John W
Physical Therapist
“I don’t remember how I came across your course “Applying science to practice” but it’s been the single most important lecture I have listened to. It reshaped the way I consume, interpret, and discuss information. I applaud you for making your course free so our professions can improve. Appreciate all you have done Erik.”
Jeff D
Physical Therapist
“Hey Erik, I came across your material in my early career, and without being hyperbolic, it has been one of the most influential resources for me to date. Your dedication to science informed practice in combination with a continued skeptical lens towards study findings really pushes the profession forward. Thanks for your continued dedication to PT!”
Brian C
Physical Therapist
“From discovering PT Inquest in PT school, having the privilege to do an internship at Erik’s clinic, and experiencing his courses. Erik has had a significant impact on my practice and how I approach rehab. He has been a great mentor and this profession is truly better from all his contributions.”
Zach S
Physical Therapist
“Your knee index blog post has been by far one of the most blogs I’ve shared with students and new grads I’ve talked to… especially for the hip people as a way to have them open their mindset of the actual role of biomechanics. Thank you!”
Evan P
Physical Therapist
“My entire clinic replaced MMT with dynamometers because of how well you explained the benefits and how easy it was to use them for almost everything. PT Inquest is the #1 PT podcast I recommend when asked about alternative resources to “keep up” when I teach.”
Andrew S
Physical Therapist
“I’ve followed a lot of your content (PT Inquest, blogs, courses, etc) for years. You’ve been a great resource for me when I have questions about content/clinical practice. Thanks for pushing our profession forward!”
Marquis S
Physical Therapist
“I came out of PT school with a naive understanding of most things Ortho. The real world was a shock and I learned a lot from your blog, podcast, and interviews in those early years. I’m grateful for the perspective and education you share there and for the influence it had on my practice.”
John L
Physical Therapist
“I have been listening to Erik through his well known podcast, PT Inquest, for the last 5 years! Passively listening and learning over the years gave me confidence as a young therapist and I eventually felt led to open my own practice! We celebrated 3 years of being open even through Covid and we have made the isokinetic machine and objective testing a staple in our clinic. I have taken Erik’s online course and he has been instrumental in educating me and the entire field of PT!”
Matt T
Physical Therapist
“Complex Understanding to Simple Solutions: Knee was priceless continuing education and I’m glad I made the trip to Arlington. To this day I use your knowledge on evaluating research and biomechanics to inform my decisions in the clinic. Thank you.”
Ryan L