Force: Terms and Conditions Apply
I really like that title. With my nerd status, you were probably thinking I would have made some kind of Star Wars reference like “Using the Force” or “The Force Awakens” but Star Wars...
I really like that title. With my nerd status, you were probably thinking I would have made some kind of Star Wars reference like “Using the Force” or “The Force Awakens” but Star Wars...
If you asked a bunch of physical therapists what it is that they do, you would get a lot of different answers. I think for most physical therapists, they see their job as “helping...
I test the quads on every knee patient who is returning to sport. Actually, I test a lot of things but it all starts with the quads. As I have said many, many times...
What is “truth” or “knowledge”? Can we have “alternative facts”, my reality vs your reality, or are ideas a simple black and white true or false? As with many things in life, the answer...
I know. The title sounds confusing. Also, biomechanics can be scary to a lot of people. It always made sense to me but I remember the more “humanities oriented” students in physical therapy school...
Open kinetic chain (OKC) vs closed kinetic chain (CKC); we have heard it all before. There are arguments that OKC is more dangerous (it’s not) or that it puts more stress on the patellofemoral...
Whenever an intervention is applied in a medical interaction it results in outcomes. Mind you, not just one outcome, but many. Take surgery for example. There are biological outcomes (new ACL graft, muscle strength,...
He takes a bite of his bacon cheeseburger, “Medical providers don’t know how science works.” “Tell me about it!” I’m having dinner in a noisy sports bar in the Midwest with an applied mathematician with ties...
“Often myths arise because a single claim or research finding has particular intuitive appeal. The claim makes sense, it supports a popular argument, and soon it is cemented as taken-for-granted fact even though its evidence base...
ARE YOU FREAKING KIDDING ME??? IS HE REALLY GOING TO TAKE ON THIS QUESTION??? Easy now, fella. This is just a thought experiment about scientific questions and has almost nothing to do with God....