Author: Erik Meira

The SAID Principle Always Applies

The SAID principle is an old acronym from the strength and conditioning world that many professionals refer to with a knowing nod. I’m not sure who first came up with the adage, but some...

Special Tests Can Be Special

Healthcare providers have a love/hate relationship with orthopedic special tests. Some seem to be really useful while others seem not to hold up very well to scrutiny. Much of these conversations seem to focus...

Does Exercise Need to Be Fun?

Yes. I’ll look for your comments below. Hahahaha, I turned the comments off years ago! Also, this is a bit more complicated than a simple yes or no. As a matter of fact, if...

A Brave New Profession

I’ve been in a little bit of a dilemma this past week. A couple years ago I used to post blogs regularly and have heard from many people how much they would like for...